Javascript Arrays

Javascript Arrays

What are Arrays in Javascript?

A javascript Array is a single variable which is used to store elements of different data types.

Arrays start with index 0.

Different ways to Declare Arrays

1st Way

// Initializing while declaring
let numberList = [1,2,3,4,5];

2nd Way

// Initializing while declaring using new keyword
let numberList = new Array(1,2,3);

Accessing Elements of an Array

Any element in the array can be accessed using the index number. The index in the arrays starts with 0.

const numbers = ["One","Two","Three"];
console.log(numbers[0]) // prints One
console.log(numbers[1]) // prints Two
console.log(numbers[2]) // prints Three

Array Methods


array.length is used to get the size or length of array.

const numbers = ["One","Two","Three"];
console.log(numbers.length); // prints 3

// Get last element of array
console.log(numbers[numbers.length-1]); // Three


push() inserts a new value at the end of the array.

const numbers = ["One","Two","Three"];
numbers.push("Four"); // Inserts Four after Three


slice() method is used to get values from a particular range.

const numbers = ["One","Two","Three","Four","Five"];
console.log(numbers.slice(1,3)); // Prints Two & Three


splice() is used to insert from a particular index and remove elements from the same index in a single method.

const numbers = ["One","Two","Three","Four","Five"];

//inserts Six,Seven from 2nd index and removes 1 value from index 2

//Output - [ 'One', 'Two', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Four', 'Five' ]


concat() is used to concatenate all the elements of another into an array.

const numbers = ["One","Two","Three","Four","Five"];
const numbers2 = ["Six","Seven"];
// Following line concatenates all elements of numbers2 array into numbers array.


fill() is used to fill or insert a particular value into a particular index range.

let arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
// following snuppet fills value 'Jay' to elements from range 2-4
console.log(arr); // Output - [1,2,'Jay','Jay',5,6,7,8,9];


includes() checks for a value is present at a particular index and returns true if the value is found.

let num = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
// checks for value 7 is present at index 6
console.log(num.includes(7,6)); // Output - true
// checks for value 3 is present at index 6
console.log(num.includes(3,6)); // Output - false

indexOf & lastIndexOf

indexOf() finds and returns the first index of the value if it is repeating in array.

lastIndexOf() finds and returns the last index of the value if it is repeating in array.

let num = [1,2,3,'Jay',5,6,'Jay','Jay'];
// returns first index of value 'Jay'
console.log(num.indexOf('Jay')); // Output - 3
// returns last index of value 'Jay'
console.log(num.lastIndexOf('Jay')); // Output - 7


Array.isArray() checks for the variable is an array or not and returns true if it is an array.

const number = "One";
const numbers = ["One","Two","Three","Four","Five"];
console.log(Array.isArray(number)); // Output - false
console.log(Array.isArray(numbers)); // Output - true


join() creates and returns a string by seperating by a , or specified string.

const numbers = ['One','Two','Three'];
console.log(elements.join()); // Output - "One,Two,Three"
console.log(elements.join('-')); // Output - "One-Two-Three"


split() is used to convert the given string into an array.

const numberString = "one,two,three,four";
const numbers = numberString.split(',');
console.log(numbers); // Output - [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four' ]


map() method creates a new array containing the output of the calling function on every element in the calling array.

let maths = [1,4,9,16,25];
console.log(; // Output - [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]


filter() method is used to filter down the elements of the array based on certain conditions which are passed as the function to the method. If the element satisfies the condition then the element is added to the new array else it won't be added to the array.

const numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
const evenNumbers = numbers.filter( a => a%2==0)
console.log(evenNumbers) // Output - [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ]


pop() method remove/pops out an element from the end of an array.

const numbers = ['One','Two','Three'];
console.log(numbers.pop()); // Output - ['One','Two']


shift() removes one element or shifts the element from the start to the left.

const numbers = ['One','Two','Three'];
console.log(numbers.shift()); // Output - ['Two','Three'];


unshift() shifts elements to right or inserts elements from the start and returns the index after shifting.

let numbers = ['One','Two','Three'];
console.log(numbers.unshift('Four','Five')); // Output - 5
console.log(numbers); // [ 'Four', 'Five', 'One', 'Two', 'Three']

sort & reverse

sort() is used to sort the array in ascending order.

reverse() is used to reverse all the elements array.

let names = ["Hitesh Sir","Anurag Sir","Jay","Sumit","Ninad"];

// sorts the array in ascending order
// Output - [ 'Anurag Sir', 'Hitesh Sir', 'Jay', 'Ninad', 'Sumit' ]

// sorts the array in descending order
// Output - [ 'Sumit', 'Ninad', 'Jay', 'Hitesh Sir', 'Anurag Sir' ]

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