Create & Write on ( Markdown ) file

Create & Write on ( Markdown ) file

What is a Markdown File ?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language created by John Gruber in 2004. It is the world's most popular markup language.

Where is it Markdown used and where is it supported?

  1. Github, Bitbucket readme files & forums use markdown to give repository info.

  2. When you submit your question to a chat forum like Github, or Stack Overflow they use markdown to submit the code.

To compile or run a .md or .markdown file you need to use a Markdown parser or processor.

Applications that process .md are Microsoft Word, Dillinger, etc.


For creating a heading we use # followed by text

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6

Italic Text

For creating italic text we use _ at the start & end and text in between.

_Italic Text_

Bold/Strong Text

For creating bold text we use ** at the start & end and text in between.

**Bold Text**

Strikethrough Text

For creating Strikethrough text we use ~~ at the start & end and text in between.

~~5000~~ Rs. 100 Only

Highlighted Text

For creating highlighting text we use ` at the start & end and text in between.

My name is `Jay Malde Highlighted`

Quote Text

For quoting text we use > at the start followed by text.

> Learn to have patience, things will come!

Add Commands

Syntax: '''language_name code'''

    let a = 10;

Syntax: [Link Text](url "Hover Text")


[Link]( "Jay Malde Hovered")


Syntax: ![Alternate Text](url "Hover Text")

![Alt Text](


Ordered List

1. Item1 
2. Item1 
3. Item1
    1. Subitem 1
    2. Subitem 2
    3. Subitem 3

Unordered List

- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3

Add Badges

For creating badges you can use website.

Copy link which looks like this -

Add it as image in markdown.

![]( "")

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